Writer. Editor. Foodie. Cat Wrangler.

As an Orlando-based writer/editor for more than 25 years (including 15 years at Fortune 500 company Darden, Inc.), I use my passion to help my clients deliver their message and achieve success. With so much competition for jobs, clients and customers, standing out from the madding crowd is critical. When it comes to communicating about you or your business, readable copy is a must. You want communications that are accurate, interesting and comprehensive. With my expertise in copywriting, editing, and proofreading in all media—from magazines to websites, to blogs and in-store booklets, I can help you achieve those goals.


Darden, Inc., Hyatt Residence Club, HeartSong Cookies LLC, Adventures By Disney (WDW), UF Health/Orlando Health, Meijer Grocery Stores, Orange Appeal Magazine, Interior Appeal Magazine, Orlando Sentinel, Sam’s Club, Wakefern/Shoprite Grocery Stores, Farmfreshdirect2U.com, &Barr Advertising, Wyndham Resorts, National Association of Professional Mortgage Women, and American Automobile Association.




